2) 直接提交合作资助申请。尽管参加暑期研修班不是必需的,也不能确保该提案的通过,但仍鼓励申请者考虑参加,以便他们在提交前完善其提案。
・ 项目必须针对与发展相关的环境健康风险,例如采掘和工业化进程、农业生产、禽畜和水产养殖或城市化(建设、交通等)带来的有关问题。
・ 项目必须针对已经明确的环境健康风险。尽管我们鼓励自然、医学和社会科学家的合作,但资助不得用于为证明一种健康风险的存在而进行的大量新数据的收集。
・ 项目必须明显有助于产生或传播知识,其成果能为政策或政府/民间社团的工作提供依据。因此,项目中必须通过适当的方式对政府治理进行分析。具体可以包括相关法律、政策和法规的分析,和/或其实施的挑战;相关机构对环境健康风险的理解;对信息获取的分析和政府、媒体以及公民社会在风险信息的产生和传播中扮演的角色;利益相关人的兴趣等。
・ 申请对象必须具备必要的获取数据的能力、或与地方社区/政府机构的合作关系,以保证项目的成功。
・ 如果项目是在地方层面进行,研究人员必须或在该省份生活和工作,或说明该项目能够在当地建立应对环境健康问题的能力。
・ 资助将被授予在洛克菲勒兄弟基金会中国南方项目所涵盖的9个省份(广东、广西、贵州、云南、四川、湖南、江西、福建和海南)中进行的工作。有关在中国其它地方及香港和澳门地区进行工作的提案,只有在与国家层面政策明显相关的情况下才会得到考虑。
・ 申请对象必须展示自己具有作出达到专业标准的可供传播的研究成果或资料的潜能。
・ 项目的预算和时间安排必须与项目工作相吻合,并且是现实可行的(详情见下)。
・ 由致力应对环境和/或健康问题的中国学术机构(大学、学院或其它研究机构)或民间组织提交。
・ 有不同学术专长的研究人员之间的合作,包括至少一个社会科学学科(人类学、经济学、地理学、法学/法律研究、政治学/政府研究、社会心理学、社会学),或者是研究机构与政府部门或非政府组织之间的合作。
・ 项目可以但不必须包含与一个有相关经验的国际伙伴的合作。
・ 关注因种族、性别、年龄、地理位置或职业因素而对环境相关健康风险尤为脆弱的社区团体。
・ 探索出有潜力超越目前研究的可应用的研究方法或模型。
・ 为年轻的研究或工作人员提供专业发展机会。
报告。资助期结束时(2012年8月30日),要求资助获得者提供: 1)有关其项目结论的一份报告,以供在中国环境与健康项目的网上平台刊出;2)有关其合作过程中所遇挑战及所学知识的简短总结。这些报告/总结中的见解将在项目网站上发表,成为进入该领域的其他人员的资源。
A. 项目大纲 (500字中文)
B. 项目描述 (不超过6000字中文)
1. 项目寻求解决的问题是什么?影响那些人群?
2. 研究关注的核心问题是什么?如果提案是研究者与NGO或政府部门的合作,将出于什么目的分享哪方面的知识?
3. 为什么不同学科和组织间的合作对项目的成功很必要?
4. 合作过程如何、包括谁?他们将在什么阶段以什么方式参与?他们各自的学科或专业背景将会怎样有助于项目的成功?
5. 项目将如何利用有关该问题的现有研究和宣传成果?
6. 项目将会使用什么数据、 工作人员将如何收集或获得这些数据?如果项目要求当地社区、政府机构或其他成员的合作,这些必要的关系是否已经存在?
7. 项目的创新意义在哪里,比如开发新的合作方法或框架?
8. 项目结果将是什么?
9. 如何评估项目的成功?
C. 机构背景
・ 申请及合作机构简介(各不超过400字中文),包括机构宗旨、服务对象、工作的地理范围、以及年度预算。
・ 每个伙伴带给该合作关系的相关知识、数据或技能。
・ 申请和合作机构中主持人的姓名、所属机构、研究经历和简历(每人最多两页)。
D. 项目时间表
E. 预算
提案可以作出不超过15,000 美元的预算,并详细列出各项主要开支。
2. 人员和咨询费用
3. 现场调查费用 (包括付给调查对象的酬金)
4. 相关差旅费用
5. 传播和宣传推广费用
6. 行政管理费用
7. 其他费用
FORHEAD Summer Institute 2011
Researching Environment, Health and Development:
Concepts, Methods, and Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration
Call for Applications
Concern about the impact of environmental change on public health in China is mounting and there is a pressing need for high quality research to inform government and public responses. Because many health risks stem from complex interactions between the natural and social environments, collaboration between researchers with different disciplinary expertise is essential if they are to be addressed effectively. But capacity to design and carry out such research is limited.
The FORHEAD Summer Institute will offer a series of intensive workshops to assist researchers in developing proposals for interdisciplinary projects to be submitted to the
Social Science Research Council (SSRC) China Environment and Health Initiative (CEHI) Collaborative Grants Program or other funding opportunities. The Institute will 1) introduce researchers to different disciplinary approaches to researching environmental health issues, including key concepts and methods; 2) evaluate a number of previous and ongoing studies, highlighting the strengths and weakness of various approaches to interdisciplinarity; and 3) provide feedback on participants’ preliminary research designs.
Following the Institute, applicants will be expected to revise their proposals for submission to the SSRC Collaborative Grants Program. However, selection will be through a competitive review process and applications will also be accepted from teams that have not participated in the Institute. A maximum of 15 Collaborative Grants will be awarded.
Workshops will be led by experts in the field with different disciplinary expertise, including: Epidemiology, Medical Geography, Risk Management, Economics, Social Psychology, Public Policy, Sociology, and Anthropology. Sessions will also be offered on the challenges of interdisciplinary research and on proposal writing.
The Summer Institute will take place from June 26 �C July 2, 2011 in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Applications are invited from individuals based at Chinese academic institutions (including government research centres) and non-governmental organizations. Applicants should be between the ages of 25-40 and have at least a Master’s degree or equivalent work experience. They should have demonstrated training and/or experience that prepares them to study environment and health problems.
The workshop will be held predominantly in Chinese. Applicants will be expected to read a volume of background materials (about 250 pages) before the meeting.
Applicants should apply online through the FORHEAD website by May 9th 2011. Please complete the online application forms for both Summer Institute and Collaborative Grants Program, and provide the following materials as required:
1) C.V.
2) An application letter indicating your current research interests, reasons for wanting to participate in the Institute, and how you expect it to inform your future work. Please also provide the names, disciplinary backgrounds and relevant education or training of other team members, including both those who will attend the workshop and those who will not; and the names of two professional references.
3) An outline of the proposal you want to develop through participation in the workshop (no more than 3 pages). In developing this proposal please refer to the Request for Proposals for the SSRC Collaborative Grants Program.
Accommodation, meals and domestic travel costs will be covered by FORHEAD for Chinese participants.
Funding for the FORHEAD Summer Institute is provided by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
Please click
here for Summer Institute online application; click
here for Collaborative Grants online application.
Social Science Research Council
China Environment and Health Initiative
Collaborative Grants Program
Request for Proposals, 2011
As in many other countries, environmental change in China presents a growing threat to public health. There is an urgent need to develop the knowledge base on which to formulate responses to environment-related health risks, and to forge stronger links between research and policy and practice. Although greater resources are now being committed to natural science research on the relationship between environmental change and health, informed decision-making also requires an understanding of the economic, political and social contexts in which environment-related health problems are embedded, and of the constraints and opportunities they present. This calls for greater engagement by social scientists and for bridging existing disciplinary and professional boundaries.
Up to fifteen grants in the amount of $5,000-15,000 (total of $100,000) will be made to applicants located at Chinese institutions. Grants will provide supplementary funds to enable collaboration across disciplines and between research institutions and government or civil society organizations.
Proposal Preparation Workshop/Summer Institute
The Collaborative Grant Program has 2 application streams:
2) Direct application to the Collaborative Grants Program. Although participation in the Institute is not required, and will not guarantee proposal acceptance, applicants are encouraged to consider applying in order to strengthen their research proposals before submission.
The deadline for applications to the Summer Institute is May 9, 2011.
The deadline for direct applications to the Collaborative Grants Program is August 22, 2011.
Funding Criteria
Please review these criteria carefully BEFORE preparing your proposal
- Projects must address environment- health risks associated with development, for example those stemming from extractive or industrial processes, agricultural production, animal husbandry and aquaculture, or urbanization (construction, transportation etc).
- Projects must address environmental health risks that have already been identified. Although we encourage collaboration between natural, medical and social scientists, grants will not be made for substantial new data collection in order to demonstrate the existence of a health risk.
- Projects must be clearly useful in generating or disseminating knowledge that will inform policy or the work of government or civil society actors. As such, they must involve the analysis, using appropriate methods, of some aspect of governance. This might include relevant laws, policies or regulations, and/or challenges to their implementation; perceptions of environment-health risks by relevant actors; access to information and the role of government, media and civil society in generating and circulating information about risks; the interests of relevant stakeholders, etc..
- Applicants must demonstrate that they have the necessary access to data, or relationships with local communities or government agencies, to conduct the project successfully.
- If the project is being carried out at the local level, researchers must either live and work in the same province, or otherwise demonstrate how the project will build local capacity to work on environment and health issues.
- Grants will be awarded for work in the 9 provinces covered by the Rockefeller Brothers Funds’ South China Program (Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian, and Hainan). Proposals for work in other parts of China and in Hong Kong and Macau will be considered only if they have clear relevance for national level policy.
- Applicants must demonstrate the potential to produce research or materials for dissemination that meet professional standards.
- Projects should have a budget and timeframe appropriate for the work that is to be conducted (see details below).
Applicant Criteria
Proposals must be:
- Submitted by a Chinese academic institution (university, college or other research organization) or civil society organization with a demonstrated commitment to working on environment and/or health issues.
- Structured as a collaboration that involves researchers with different disciplinary expertise, including at least one social science discipline (Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Law/Legal Studies, Political Science/Government, Social Psychology, Sociology), OR as a collaboration between a research institution and a government department or NGO.
- Projects may but do not have to involve collaboration with an international partner with relevant expertise.
Scope of Activities
Grants may be used to:
1) integrate environment or health perspectives into research currently focused on a single domain by sharing existing data or conducting limited additional data collection;
2) develop a new focus on environment and health within the context of ongoing research on development, whether in rural, urban, or peri-urban contexts;
3) broaden the scope of analysis through collaboration with partners who bring additional disciplinary perspectives or international experience; or
4) work with NGO or government partners to make existing research more accessible and useful.
The selection committee will favor proposals that:
- Address issues of disparate impact on communities that are vulnerable to environment-related health risks as the result of their ethnicity, gender, age, geographical location or occupation.
- Develop methods or models of research that have the potential for application beyond the current project.
- Provide opportunities for the professional development of young researchers or staff.
Terms of the Grant
Grantee workshop. Grantees will be expected to revise their initial proposals based on feedback from expert resource people. This will be organized either through a two-day grantee workshop, or through individual consultations as appropriate in light of the topics covered.
Reporting. At the end of the grant period (August 30, 2012), grantees will be required to provide 1) a report on the findings of their project for publication on project’s web-based platforms, and 2) a short account of the challenges they faced in the process of collaboration and what they have learned. Insights from these narratives will be published on the project website as a resource for others entering the field.
Resource mapping. Grantees will map the people, institutions, and writings associated with the project topic into the online Resource Hub ( of the China Environment and Health Initiative in order to provide a review of relevant existing research on the topic.
Application Process
Proposals may be submitted in Chinese or English.
There are 2 application streams:
1) Through the FORHEAD Summer Institute/Proposal preparation workshop with a draft proposal.
2) Direct application to the Collaborative Grants Program.
Although participation in the Institute is not required, and will not guarantee a proposal’s acceptance, applicants are encouraged to apply in order to strengthen their research proposals before submission
The deadline for applications to the Summer Institute is May 9, 2011.
The deadline for direct applications to the Collaborative Grants Program is August 22, 2011.
Applicants should be available to answer questions about their proposals the week of August 29. Successful applicants will be announced on September 9.
Questions should be sent to Please read the funding criteria above and proposal structure below carefully first.
Proposal Structure
The proposal should include:
A. PROJECT OUTLINE (250 words)
A short description of how the project will generate or disseminate research that can inform government or civil society responses to environment-related health risks. Indicate the budget amount requested.
The narrative description of the project should address the following questions:
1. What is the problem the project seeks to address? Who is affected by it?
2. What are the key questions the research will address? Or if the proposal is for collaboration between researchers and NGOs or government departments, what kind of knowledge will be shared and for what purpose?
3. Why is collaboration of different disciplines or organizations necessary to the success of the project?
4. What is the collaborative process and who are the people involved? At what stages and in what ways will they participate? How will their particular disciplinary or professional training contribute to the success of the project?
5. How will this project build upon existing research and advocacy on this issue?
6. What data will be used and how will project staff collect or gain access to it? If the cooperation of local communities, government agencies or other actors is required, are the necessary relationships in place?
7. How is the project innovative, for example in developing new methods or frameworks for collaboration?
8. What will be the project outcomes?
9. How will the success of the project be assessed?
10. What is the broader significance of the project? What is the potential audience for the results? How will they be disseminated?
・ A description of the proposing and collaborating organization(s) (max. 200 words each), including mission, constituency, geographical scope of work, and annual budget.
・ The relevant knowledge, data or skills that each partner brings to the collaboration?
・ The name, institutional affiliations, research experience, and CV of the lead partners in the proposing and collaborating organizations (maximum 2 pages each).
A budget of up to $15,000 may be submitted, with itemized major expenditures.
The budget should be appropriate to the work to be conducted, and indicate:
1. Other funding support �C amount and source, including in-kind contributions
2. Personnel and consultant costs
Salary should generally be costed as a percentage of actual salary with the time commitment for each individual indicated as a percentage or number of months/weeks/days. Consultancy fees for international partners will only be paid under exceptional circumstances.
3. Fieldwork expenses (including honoraria for respondents)
Cost estimates should be provided for flights, lodging and food and other expenses.
4. Other relevant travel
This should indicate destination and purpose of trips, which must be directly related to project activities. Reasonable travel expenses for international partners may be included.
5. Dissemination, outreach costs
Funds will be provided only for dissemination activities directly related to the project. Grantees will be invited to participate in program-wide dissemination activities (including the Annual FORHEAD Conference and topical seminars). The program cannot pay for the establishment of new websites but will assist in dissemination of project materials through the FORHEAD website.
6. Administrative overhead
This item must not exceed 8% of the total budget
7. Other
If applicants are unsure about whether other particular costs may be included they should consult with CEHI Program Staff at
In the event of funding, CEHI may request adjustments to project budgets.
This program is supported by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
Please click
here for online application.