
发布时间: 2008-03-02




The International Symposium on East Asian Environmental Sociology:
Problems, Movements and Policies
October 4 �C October 6, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
Announcement No. 1
February 2008
The Symposium Organizing Committee
The Japanese Association for Environmental Sociology
Dear Colleagues
As we discussed at the Beijing International Conference in 2007, we would like to have an international symposium on environmental sociological studies on environmental problems, movements, and policies in the East Asian region; China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. This is the first announcement to call for papers for presentation and for participation.
1. The Objectives
In recent years, it has been doubtlessly evident that this planet suffers from unprecedented environmental burdens by global-scale industrialization. The national governments and international agencies inevitably started to take measures on urgent global issues such as global warming, deforestation, and desertification. Each national government also has been tackling domestic issues such as industrial pollution and waste problems. One the other hand, trans-national regional environmental actions and policy making have been relatively delayed except for those on trans-border acid rain in European countries, for instance.
Focussing on the East Asian region where we live, with nearly one forth of the world population, every one of us are aware that serious environmental problems occur region-wide due to recent borderless economic development in this region. For example, airborne pollutant has no national boundaries and chemicals and toxic waste are transported across the borders frequently. The governments and environmental NGOs have rather tended to take measures domestically. However, many of us feel it necessary to think regionally (and perhaps globally), to learn from each other, and to cooperate with each other to find better sollution.
As East Asian environmental sociologists, we learned that our experience in rapid industrialization and environmental problems had a lot of common features in this region. At the same time, we also observe some significant differences in socio-political structure among East Asian countries that affect policy-making processes and its effectiveness. This suggests us that comparative environmental sociological studies would be very rewarding field both academically and practically. And this goal would be achieved more effectively through enthusiastic discussion among Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Taiwanese participants. This is the reason why we call for many distinguished scholars from abroad.
In this symposium, as the first step of our long-term academic cooperation, our aim would be finding and identifying the similarity and difference in environmental issues, environmental movements, and environmental policies. For that purpose, we expect presentations on at least some major comparable issues such as industrial pollution, water, air, waste, large development projects, energy (CO2, nuclear, and renewable), conservation, and so forth. This does not necessarily mean that we exclude specific issues in each country, because these also help us to broaden our perspective.
We are also planning to make a one-day field trip to some sites where both overseas and domestic participants can better understand environmental problems and actions in Japan.
2. Schedule (tentatively planned)
a) We are now planning the symposium schedule as follows:
October 3, (Fri.),          Evening: Registration
October 4, (Sat.),         Opening Ceremony, Sessions
October 5, (Sun.),        Sessions, Closing Ceremony
October 6, (Mon,)         Field Trip
(Tentatively to the area where highway construction and nature conservation is at issue,
“Zero Waste” industrial complex, and wind generators. The plan is subject to change.)
October 7, (Tue.)          Morning  : Leaving for home.
b) Location of the conference hall and lodging
       The International Conference Hall, Hosei University, Tama Campus,
       4342 Aihara-machi, Machida City, Tokyo
d) Registration
1.   The deadline of participation registration is May 31, 2008.
2.   The presentation paper must be submitted by July 31, 2008
3. Invited Guest Speakers and Other Participant
a) The Symposium Organizing Committee invites guest speakers:
       Prof. Dayong Hong, Remin University of China, China
       Prof. Guoqing Shi, Hohai University, China
       Prof. Ajiang Chen, Hohai University, China
       Prof. Juju Wang, Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
       Prof. Dowan Ku, Catholic University of Korea, Korea
       Prof. See-Jae, Lee, Catholic University of Korea, Korea
       Prof. Jae-Mook, Park, Chungnam National University, Korea
We would like to have more guest presenters from these countries. We would like the invited guest speakers listed above to recommend two or three more guest presenters in each country. It would be appreciated if the invited guest speakers above, representing environmental sociological associations of each country, kindly recommend us a few additional presenters who will be able to make presentations on the major comparable issues mentioned earlier.
b) General participants are also welcome.
4. Expenses and Financial Aid
1.       The Symposium Organizing Committee will NOT be able to cover travel expenses for any participants.
2.       The Symposium Organizing Committee WILL cover expenses for lodging and meals at The International Conference Hall, Hosei University, Tama Campus, for all invited guest speakers.
3.       The Symposium Organizing Committee will be able to provide lodging for other participants at affordable price. However, as the capacity of the lodging facility is limited, we accept on “first com, first served”.
5. Contact
The Symposium Organizing Committee
       President: Prof. Harutoshi Funabashi, Hosei University
       Contact Person, Secretary-General: Prof. Ryoichi Terada, Meiji University
                     Email: teradary@kisc.meiji.ac.jp
Host Organization: The Japanese Association for Environmental Sociology
       President: Prof. Koichi Hasegawa, Tohoku University
       Secretary-General: Prof. Saburo Horikawa, Hosei University