1.薛芳璿,2018,从学校意识生态看少数民族内地班学生的心态调适——以J市两所高中为例. 《民族教育研究》第1期:21-29. (中文核心期刊) 2. 薛芳璿、张阳阳,2018,从“意识三态观”看民族教育中的“多元”与“一体”. 收录于《对“构建民族教育研究的中国话语”的学习与商榷(笔谈)》.《民族教育研究》第 6 期:7-9. (中文核心期刊) 3. Hsueh, Fang-Hsuan, Yu, K. & Wang, L. 2021. Congruency of Academic and Interpersonal Subjective Social Status in Relation to Adolescent Psychological Health: The Moderating Role of Core Self-Evaluations. Current Psychology, 1-16. (SSCI journal) 4. Bai, Q., Li, L., Hsueh, Fang-Hsuan, Yu, X., Hu, H. Wang, X., & Wang, P. 2020. Parent-adolescent congruence in phubbing and adolescents’ depressive symptoms: A moderated polynomial regression with response surface analyses. Journal of Affective Disorders, 275: 127-135. (SSCI journal) 5. Bai, Q., Huang, S., Hsueh, Fang-Hsuan, & Zhang, T. 2021. Cyberbullying Victimization and Suicide Ideation: A Crumbled Belief in a Just World. Computers in Human Behavior, 120: 106679. (SSCI journal) |